Stay tuned for WHISKEY, LARGE

by Nina Wright
Labels: Afghan hound, cozy series, dog fiction, dog mysteries, hilarious, Michigan, Michigan mystery, Midwest, mystery, pregnancy, pregnant heroine, real estate, Whiskey Large
humorous whodunnits by Nina Wright . . . starring a Michigan realtor and her felonious Afghan hound
Labels: Afghan hound, cozy series, dog fiction, dog mysteries, hilarious, Michigan, Michigan mystery, Midwest, mystery, pregnancy, pregnant heroine, real estate, Whiskey Large
Labels: Abra, Afghan hound, dog mystery, French bulldog, Magnet Springs, Michigan Realtor, pregnancy, pregnant, Whiskey Large, Whiskey Mattimoe
Labels: dog fiction, Michigan mystery, Michigan Realtor, Midwest, real estate, Wall Street Journal, Whiskey Mattimoe
Labels: Afghan hound, dog fiction, dog mystery, French bulldog, Frenchie, Michigan, whiskey and soda
Labels: Abra, Afghan hound, German shepherd, golden retriever, hound, poodle, puppy, shih tzu, whiskey and soda, Whiskey Mattimoe
Labels: Abra, Afghan hound, amazon, Ampichellis, beach book, Magnet Springs, Michigan mystery, whiskey and soda, Whiskey on the Rocks
Labels: Abra, dog mystery, Magnet Springs, Michigan mystery, Michigan Realtor, whiskey and soda, Whiskey Mattimoe, Whiskey with a Twist
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Labels: Abra, Afghan hound, dog mystery, Homefree, Michigan mystery, Whiskey and Tonic, Whiskey and Water, Whiskey Mattimoe, Whiskey on the Rocks, Whiskey Straight Up, Whiskey with a Twist
Hello, Readers! Yes, finally--I'm writing the sixth Whiskey Mattimoe Mystery, due out next year. Thanks for your interest in what's happening to Whiskey and her Afghan hound Abra in Magnet Springs, Michigan.
Meanwhile, you can buy the first five Whiskey Mattimoe mysteries as economical ebooks--on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and OmniLit. Scroll down for links to each title:
on Amazon
Whiskey and Water
Whiskey on the Rocks
Whiskey and Tonic
Whiskey Straight Up
Whiskey With a Twist
on Barnes & Noble
Whiskey and Water
Whiskey on the Rocks
Whiskey and Tonic
Whiskey Straight Up
Whiskey With a Twist
at Kobo Bookstore
Whiskey and Water
Whiskey on the Rocks
Whiskey and Tonic
Whiskey Straight Up
Whiskey With a Twist
at OmniLit Bookstore
Whiskey and Water
Whiskey on the Rocks
Whiskey and Tonic
Whiskey Straight Up
Whiskey With A Twist
Labels: Abra, Afghan hound, amazon, barnes and noble, Kindle, kobo, Magnet Springs, Michigan mystery, Nook, omnilit, Whiskey Mattimoe
Labels: Abra, Afghan hound, Chester, Christmas, Deely Smarr, fireside, Kindle, laughter, Michigan mystery, Michigan Realtor, Nook, winter
Labels: blessings, cat, dog, pet, unconditional love
Labels: Ampichellis, boudoir, Dallas, ebook, humble, lust, Midwest, sex appeal, Texas, Whiskey Mattimoe, Whiskey on the Rocks, y'all
Labels: cat, Chester, Devon rex, Redford, wetland, Whiskey Mattimoe, Zen
Labels: Ampichellis, autumn, bike, Facebook, move
Labels: Chicagoland, Elgin, on my boyfriends' bicycles, playwright, playwriting, teacher, workshop