The Whiskey Mattimoe Mysteries

humorous whodunnits by Nina Wright . . . starring a Michigan realtor and her felonious Afghan hound

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Whiskey Updates: Cheers from the Land of the Great Lakes!

Big Move from The Big D

This has been an exciting year, and it keeps getting better. Recently I moved from The Big D—Dallas, that is—back to my beloved homeland along the Great Lakes. You may have spotted me on a bike path, gaping at blue skies, fiery trees, and shining water. Yup, I'm the one with the flying auburn hair and the red baseball cap. And the nonstop smile. ;^}

I’m enthralled by my first Midwest autumn in far too long! In fact, I may be at risk of overdosing—if not on the intoxicating colors and aromas, then on the seasonal festivals with their edible treats. Mmmm. How much cider and donuts can one girl consume?

Didn't Hear Back from Me?

The only downside of my cross-country relocation was a small glitch in my email system. If you emailed me through my website and haven’t heard back, please send again. I never fail to reply unless the ether eats my email, which it recently did. I hate missing a communication from a reader. So sorry for the inconvenience.

Oh--you know I'm on Facebook, right?

Whiskey in E-Form: Coming soon through Ampichellis Ebooks!

Heads up: Those of you looking for Whiskey in an ebook (and I know you’re out there!) will soon be able to buy the first three mysteries (Whiskey on the Rocks, Whiskey Straight Up, and Whiskey and Tonic) online through Ampichellis Ebooks. Watch this blog for more info.

I recommend a cider-and-donuts break now. You know you deserve it.
P.S. Ever been "friended" by a dead man? It happened to me. Read about it on my other blog.

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  • At 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We're not neighbors anymore?~Florian

  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger Nina Wright said…

    Sorry, Florian, I had to go! But I'll keep up with you on Facebook. Thanks. --Nina


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